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Thursday, 7 October 2010

Snooping Bosses

At present, the world is going through an economic recession. The competitive market is pushing the companies to find cost effective solutions for everything. As a result, companies are raising the bar by each passing day to keep themselves in pace with their competitors. It has prompted most of the companies to opt for modern technology i.e. email control, GPS and video surveillance to keep track of their employee’s activity. These techniques are being implemented to make sure that employer gets the maximum worth for his investment. One wonders reading this article, with the advent of modern technology, how much companies can pry into their employee’s private life.

It is hard to disagree with the surveillance techniques used at workplace. Companies consider it as their right to ensure that their secret designs, patented formulas and innovative techniques are not being leaked out. Keeping a check on the content of emails and the websites visited seems to be a good idea. Although it is not a very pleasant feeling that you are constantly being monitored by a video camera, but I think video surveillance at workplace can be tolerable knowing the fact that you are honest with your work.

Some limits should always be defined in this regard as well. Employees must be notified of the fact before joining a certain company that their activities will be monitored by the authorities. But it is very difficult to agree with the surveillance techniques used to monitor employee’s activities when he is not at work. Regarding the use of Facebook, Twitter and other public forums as a mean to puke one’s anger, show disapproval or to reveal company secrets seems to be a little childish act. Both employers and the employees need to abide by the company’s privacy policy and should be mature enough to realize their responsibilities within the company.

In conclusion, I would like to say that today’s world demands a little sacrifice of the private life. We have to adapt ourselves to slightly newer set of conditions and should be a little more responsible in our acts.

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